Newsletter #11 - Term 4 Week 7

In this issue

Tēnā koutou katoa.  We hope that you are all well as we embark on the final weeks of the school year. Today we had our first swim in the school pool!!

As you know, on Friday we had our Teacher Only Day, dedicated to 'learning' about the 'Refreshed NZ Curriculum' - Te Mātaiaho.  All schools in NZ have a valuable day to do this, and we thank you for your support in doing so.

As part of this work we will be doing some review and consulting with you, our community, to find out what you think is important when developing our local curriculum, and when considering what is important to you when considering our school vision, values and how we bring these to life in our school.  

Please keep an eye out for communication around this.  We are hopeful that time permitting we may be able to plan for at least one face-to-face with you to find out your views etc.  There will also be another survey via our school app.

In the meantime, we thank you for your continued support.
