Principal's Message

Admin Staff —

Talofa Lava

Dear JCS Aiga

In the light of lockdowns, a lot more sitting and screen time for all of us and now the onslaught of wild winter weather, I have been thinking of the importance of physical activity and especially for our growing and developing young people. Obesity in an increasing problem in young people and no less so in New Zealand. There has been an increase in obesity among young people since 2020 by 3%.

We all know that exercise has multiple benefits for our general wellbeing and health. It also helps to develop healthy life habits, build strong bones and muscles, and helps with the battle of the bulge. Being active reduces the chances of heart disease, cancer and developing type 2 diabetes in later life. It improves posture, co-ordination, dexterity, flexibility, and balance. Physical exercise has also shown to be beneficial at alleviating anxiety and depressing and encouraging good sleep. Memory and brain function are also improved through regular exercise. All this leads to a better quality of life.

There are also a number of excellent life skills which can be learnt through team sports. Co-operation, healthy competition and social interaction, discipline, teamwork, comradery, and respect for rules, are but some of the benefits.

Let’s all ensure that we set good examples and encourage our young people to have a balance between screen time and physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

There are so many beautiful and accessible places in Auckland to take the family for a walk, tramp, swim, or bike ride, even in winter. Let’s enjoy being in the great outdoors doing something physical, regularly.

Yours in His service

Sandra Bosman