Principal's Message

Admin Staff —

Parent involvement in our school is so important and appreciated

Dear JCS Whānau

Term two has started with a number of staff members being unwell. This is a reminder that no matter how hard we try to forget about Covid, it is still very much with us, and we need to continue to be vigilant.

Thank you for those who have responded to the call to join the Parents Association, we will be having our first meeting shortly to plan some great community and fund-raising events for the rest of the year. It is a joy to be able to be able to do this again.

The JCS Board of Trustees, (BoT) serves an especially important role in the school community, fulfilling a governance role. They ensure legal compliance; help set the strategic direction of the school and monitor progress towards the goals set. The BoT is also responsible for the appropriate use of the operational grant, facilitating the adequate resourcing of the strategic goals and responsible, ethical spending to keep the school running safely and successfully. The BoT meets about eight times a year. The time commitment also involves, preparation for the meetings by reading the meeting papers and perhaps sitting on a sub-committee which may meet several times a year to do some of the mahi of the BoT. Currently the BoT has three sub-committees namely, property and finance, discipline, and policies committees. A small remuneration is given to each parent represented on the BoT. The board of trustees is a crown entity – that is an organisation that is part of the New Zealand public sector.

A state integrated BoT is made up of the principal, an elected staff representative and the rest are proprietor and parent representatives, with always one more parent than proprietor representative. The parent representatives are elected, and should one leave the BoT in the course of time, a new parent can be co opted or invited to join the BoT ensuring there is community consultation.

Elections are held every three years.  This year is election year, and we are looking for new BoT members to join the JCS Board. If this is something you want to consider and would like more information about what the position entails, please be in touch. Alternatively, you can contact NZSTA (, a current BoT member (members are on the website) or do some of your own research. The elections take place in September this year and not in May due to the complications Covid has brought about. The elections will all be online from this year going forward. More details regarding specific dates, nominations and voting will follow. Mrs Wassenaar is the liaison person at JCS and we use CES, Canterbury Education Services to perform the function of returning officer.

Parent partnership is one of the pillars of JCS and I encourage you to get involved in school life in a way that works for your family. There are many ways you can do this. Serving on the BoT and or Parents Association are only two of the ways you can be involved. Parent help in the classroom, on the sports field, in the arts and drama domain are some other ways. Parent help on trips and camps is always welcome. At JCS celebrating our tapestry of colourful cultures is a privileged experience and done so well by our parent body. There are some parents who have generously donated equipment or sponsored a child, not their own, to help with school fees, costs incurred on trips or stationery. Being involved in school life will not only enrich our community but also your child’s own education experience. It is a privilege to serve in such a unique and diverse community made up of generous and God honouring people.

Yours in His service

Sandra Bosman