Hero photograph
Photo by Admin Staff

Yummy Apple Stickers

Admin Staff —

We are participating in the Yummy school sticker promotion again. All stickers to be in by the end of Term 3 (30 September).

Apples are a convenient package of fibre, vitamins, minerals and flavonoids that provide a range of valuable health benefits. Great for this time of year with the changing seasons.

Purchase Yummy apples, either bags with cut-out labels or individual apples with Yummy stickers. One cut-out label is worth 10 apple stickers. Place the Yummy stickers on Sticker Collection Sheets and the cut-out labels on Cut-Out Label Collection Sheets (see attached). 

One thing you may find, is some Hailstone Hero apple bags. There was a wild spring storm in Hawkes Bay, damaging a significant amount of the apple crop with hail. Although these look funny, they still taste yummy. The official cut-out is not on these bags, but you can collect the round bar-code sticker as 10 points. These are Yummy apples but branded Hailstone Heroes and available in both New World and Pak ’n Saves. 

Bring your completed collection sheets in to school and we can exchange them for rewards such as sports equipment.  

Thanks everyone for your sticky support!