Principal's Message

Admin Staff —

Dear JCS Whānau

Recently I heard a message entitled Better Together. I have been mulling over what this really means and what it might mean for us as a Christian community of learning. Relationship is such an integral part of being a human being and so much more can be achieved if we work in partnership. When home and school work together, the outcomes for our tamariki are so much more positive. From time to time, I attend various principal meetings and I often come away being so grateful for the relationship we have with one another, whether it be between staff, teachers, students and parents. One of the topics that often comes up in these meetings is around student behaviour. The longer I am in Christian education the more I realize and see the positive impact on student behaviour when the school and parents work together. Difficult issues are worked through in partnership and the outcome often results in changed lives, the development of strong, authentic moral fibre and all because we know that there is a God in Heaven who is intimately involved in our lives and speaks clearly of how we should live. We have often heard it said that actions speak louder than words. I believe this is particularly true for our children, who look carefully at what we do especially in times of crises. The example we set as a Christian community of learning can be a powerful witness to the reality of Christ.

This newsletter has information about Grandparents Day, Calendar Art and the Walkathon. All of these community initiatives are run by the Parents Association to better equip the school and enrich the learning experience of our students. As we work together to achieve one of the greatest and most important endeavours namely the nurturing and educating of our children to be confident, impacting citizens of Heaven on earth, we truly are better together. Your ongoing support of all we do is not only greatly appreciated by the staff at JCS, it also makes the experience at school for your child so much more positive and transforming.

Yours in His service

Sandra Bosman
