Hero photograph
Photo by Sue Porter

Perceptual Motor-skills Programme Running at JMC

Sue Porter (Staff) —

Thanks to a very generous donation made by John McGlashan parents Sandy Guy and Brendan Jarvie, the boys at McGlashan are getting to use specialised equipment to develop their motor-skills.

John McGlashan is very fortunate to  have Sandy Guy (who is both a  parent in our school community and a physiotherapist) providing her skills and expertise to support some of our students.  Currently, Sandy volunteers her time for one period each week to teach and oversee PMP (Perceptual Motor Skills Programme) with some of our students. This programme focuses on movement and motor experiences.

Learners need to develop sound skills in balance, locomotion, eye/hand/ foot co-ordination in order to function efficiently in their world. This programme also benefits students in their academic work also.  Sandy and her husband Brendan Jarvie, kindly donated the money to purchase specialised equipment that enables students to develop their motor skills. We are most grateful to them for this very generous donation.

During terms 1 &2 this equipment has been well used each week by Year 7&8 pupils during their motor skills programme on Thursdays. Special thanks must also go to Penny Ferguson and Kelly McCormack who have also been instrumental in promoting and running this programme.