Hero photograph
Summer Sport Photos
Photo by Stock Photo

Summer Sport Photos

Angela Button —

Summer Sport photos will be taken on Tuesday 17th May between 9:00am and 12:40pm outside the Chapel. 

We look forward to seeing all our students looking smart and wearing the correct JMC playing strip (see attached).

If your son did not play in the official strip due to sizes not being available at the Otago Sports Depot, they need to let Mr. Carruthers know. We would appreciate it if you could ensure your son remembers to bring the correct strip(s) for his photo(s) and checks the schedule attached. Boys that are not on time or do not have the correct uniform may be withdrawn from the photo. Coaches/Managers of the various teams are also invited to attend.

For those that require items of uniform for next term, Brent Davies from Otago Sports Depot will be selling the sports uniform at John McGlashan College on Wednesday 4th May at 12:50pm -1.20pm and 6:00pm-7:00pm. Boys will be invoiced for any items purchased.

Finally, we require some parent help to assist us on our summer sports photo day to help organise boys into groups and record names. If you are able to help out for all or part of the day this would be much appreciated.

Please email Angela at angela.button@mcglashan.school.nz.