Celebrating our Top Scholars
With almost 1/3 of Year 11 and 12 students gaining scholar's ties from 2018 results, McGlashan continues to prioritise high academic achievement.
The introduction of the McGlashan Scholar's tie, along with the 100 & 200 Club concept in the early 2000's has been pivotal to the development of a strong academic culture within the college. The photos and recipient lists in this article are testimony to the continued positive attitude and pride that our boys take in their achievements.
However, with the number of national education reviews currently underway, it seems timely for us too, to re-focus on what we are trying to achieve academically - what is the real measure of excellence? For students completing NCEA qualifications this year, the requirements for a scholars tie will focus more on high achievement in individual subjects and less on total excellence credits aggregated across multiple subjects. Further details can be found here...
But for now, here are the deserving recipients of the 2018 Scholars' Ties and 100 / 200 Club.
Scholars' Tie Recipients for 2018 were:
Year 11*:
Luka Barson-McLean, Simon Basel, Oliver Bolton, William Cotton, Chris Denton, Will Duffy, Ned Hancox, Mitchell Joint, Cyrus Leung, Harry McKenzie, Fin Milne, Ben Monaghan, Dom Morrison, Joe Mu, Henry Power, Gabe Ross, Ashley Stevenson, Thomas Sullivan.
(*Level 1 ties in 2018 were awarded if students gained an NCEA Excellence Certificate Endorsement by the end of Year 11, ie 50+ Lvl 1 Excellence credits)
Year 12*
Stewart Ashton, George Bell, Ruidhri Brosnan, Sam Clulee, Tom Dempster, Matthew Garry, Jacob Johnson, Samuel Leaper, Bruno Marsh, Cade McRae, Jez Nicholson-Kelly, Martin Page, Jiacong Ruan, Daniel Thom, Shay Veitch
(*Level 2 ties were awarded if students gained an NCEA Excellence Certificate Endorsement by the end of Year 12, ie 50+ Lvl 2 Excellence credits)
100 Club*: ( also recipients of Scholars' Ties)
Lourenco Botafogo, Jonathan Brook, Tom Crawford, Nathan Dockerty, Billy Ellwood, Kyle Benedict, Krishan Luxmanan, Robert Millar, Will Morshuis, Jack Murray
(*100+ Lvl 1 Excellence credits, or equivalent, within Yr 11 year.)
200* Club: ( also recipients of Scholars' Ties)
Geoffrey Bennani, Harrison Biggs, David Cannon, Elliot Chamberlain, Daniel Clemens, Will Edwards, Josh Hope, Neil Hutton, Ben Lund, Daniel Robinson, Tim Scott, Billy Sheard, Adam Tait, Will Turner, Patrick Zhang.
(*80+ Lvl 2 Excellence credits, or equivalent, within Yr 12 year.)