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Go McGlashan Read 2017
Photo by Jo Mullenger

Go McGlashan Read 2017

Jo Mullenger —

Next week we will be starting our annual library and charity fundraiser, Go McGlashan Read. 

The purpose of this event is threefold - to encourage even more personal reading at Year 7-10, to help buy new books for the library, and to raise funds for a local charity. This year our charity of choice is the Presbyterian Support Buddy Programme. We feel this is an important component of the event as it encourages the boys to think about others who may not be as fortunate as they are.

Boys will be sponsored for how many minutes or books they read over the 11 day period. The boys have either a paper booklet or a Google document where they will record sponsors and their reading. The sponsorship money will be collected in over the first week of next term and in the second week we will have a prizegiving for the individuals and classes who raised the most money. We appreciate your support with this event and encourage you to dedicate some reading time at home so they can get their 'mileage' up.