Year 9 Drama class at the Dunedin Chinese Garden by Kimberley Fridd

Year 9 Drama trip to the Dunedin Chinese Garden

Education outside the classroom... drama students go in search of ritual experiences.

Year 9 drama students have just begun their new "Rituals"  unit in class and to start things off with a "bang", they've just been on a cultural trip to visit the Dunedin Chinese Garden. The purpose of their trip — explore the scholar's garden in search of good locations to devise and perform ritual drama in.

After a quick tour of of the garden, the students quickly went off exploring and searching for a performance venue for their group. Students spent around 40 minutes brainstorming, devising, and rehearsing their pieces in different places around the garden.

In a week's time, students will return to the Chinese Garden to take part in a traditional Chinese tea ceremony, and then perform their devised ritual pieces for the rest of the class.