by Kirstyn Mawdsley

Old Collegians Catch-up

On Thursday 26 October, we hosted approximately 40 old collegians at New New New.

New New New Corporation, a brewery located in the old Crawford Street stables, was established by McGlashan old boy Ian McKinley so seemed the perfect place to host an Old Collegians' Association (OCA) function.  The OCA is in a slightly different place to that described in the 1935 magazine, as evidenced by the number of old collegians who came along to catch up on news from the College and their peers.  It was fantastic to see such a range in ages and we hope that these events will grow in popularity.  

If you're an old boy, please check your details are up to date on the database so you keep in touch with what's going on.  Just email   to update or check in with our OCA Facebook page @JohnMcGlashanOCA.