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John McGlashan College

McGlashan Alumni Newsletter August 2019

Welcome to this new revamped McGlashan Alumni newsletter! 


Opening Day - 1918

From the Editor

by John Guthrie

Networking, networking, networking. The most important skill we can have is the ability to network.

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John Guthrie

New Alumni Relations Manager and Archivist appointed

by John Guthrie

The Board of Proprietors has appointed Dr John Guthrie to the newly created position of Alumni Relations Manager and Archivist.

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McGlashan Alumni has a strong presence on the new College website

by John Guthrie

McGlashan Director of Marketing and Development, Kirstyn Mawdsley and CORE Development have done an outstanding job in completing a major overhaul of the College website. It is fresh and easy to navigate.

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Old Boys in the News: Peter Becker (#1842 1963-66)

by John Guthrie

King of Curling

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Dugald MacTavish QSM

Old Boys in the News: Dugald MacTavish QSM (#1763) 1961 – 1969

by John Guthrie

For services to conservation and the environment.

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JMC Centenary Assembly on Friday February 9th 2018


by John Guthrie

Class of ’69 seems to be leading the way in the Queen’s Honours stakes. Happy to be proven wrong.

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Recent Old Boys #1

by John Guthrie

Will Palmer (#8074, 2011-2017)

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Recent Old Boys #2

by John Guthrie

Gwyn Jones (#7927, 2009-2015)

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Recent Old Boys #3

by John Guthrie

Michael Ellison (#7031, 2009-2015)

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Hamish Guthrie and Mike Corkery - new boys on the block.

Where is?

by John Guthrie

A starter for one: where are these people from 1996??

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News in Brief

by John Guthrie

In this section we plan to feature news in brief, or location classifieds. e.g. Joe Bloggs has moved to London and is working for XYZ Corporation.

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Comings and Goings

by John Guthrie

Births, Deaths, Marriages and good stories

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News from the college...

News from the School

by John Guthrie

There are some amazing things going on at McGlashan. Outstanding performances on the sports fields and in the classrooms.

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Keep the toes warm this winter! School Council Fundraiser

by John Guthrie

Buy your new socks now!

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Reading makes you a better mathematician

From the archives

by John Guthrie

With my Archivist cardigan on I have reason to look through the old school magazines. Did you know that they have now been ‘digitised’ and are available on-line.

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Upcoming events

by John Guthrie

Any events coming up that are of interest to Old Boys?

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JMC Fete 2018

Save the date: 21st September - the fete

by John Guthrie

The annual fete is an iconic event in the McGlashan calendar. It brings together the school community and out stakeholders. Be a part of it.

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John McGlashan College Chapel


by John Guthrie

We need your feedback!!

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