Year 7 and 8 Prepared Reading Finals WinnersLeft to right - John Mengel (2nd), Hamish McIntyre (1st), Alex Seaton (3rd) by Michele Rodger

Year 7 and 8 Prepared Reading Final 2018

Ten of our best went head to head in the 2018 Prepared Reading Final at the end of Term 2. Not only did they conquer a skill that is a regular within ‘top ten fears’ lists, but they also entertained the syndicate and judges with their well-rehearsed excerpts.

This year, first place went to Hamish McIntyre, second to John Mengel and third to Alex Seaton. Congratulations to these three and the other finalists, who worked at a level for the other boys to aspire to.  

Across all classes, we saw the development and improvement of skills of effective public speakers. Whether the gains were small or confidence changing, the boys can be proud of their efforts to bring passages from War Horse by Michael Morpurgo, The Maze Runner by James Dashner, and The Giver by Lois Lowry, alive.  

The other finalists were Ewan Beadell, Jack Howley, Daniel Joint, Jack Tourelle, Henry Chafer, Marek Rickerby, and Ethan Leitch.