Riley, Cam, Adam and David (front) collecting their SHRIMP packs by Pam Garry

Summer Holiday Reading 

Another successful year for SHRIMP packs.

S.H.R.I.M.P. – Summer Holiday Reading Mystery Programme

In 2009, the college launched its Summer Holiday Reading Programme in response to the need for boys to maintain the reading habit over the summer break. Book bags are provided by the Old Collegians’ Association and when they go out include 20 – 30 books, promotional material from the Dunedin Public Library, a few Christmas goodies and one or two new library books generously provided with funds from the Parents and Friends Association. To assemble the packs, each junior boy is teamed up with a staff member and together they choose books that he and his family might enjoy over the summer. The library staff fill the remainder of the bag. Senior boys select their own books with some staff input. Last year we made up over 100 bags which totalled nearly 2000 books - a huge amount of reading.

At McGlashan we believe that our focus on ‘reading for pleasure’ benefits boys in every aspect of their lives, especially academically, so we are extremely grateful for the ongoing support shown by you as parents, and by the wider college community.

If you have read a good book over the summer that you would like to recommend to the boys, please ring me, send a message, or better still tell your son to add it to the Suggestions book at the issues desk in the library. Happy reading.

Pam Garry
Library Manager