Karate at John McGlashan CollegeRiley and Keegan Hall share their expertise with local primary school children by Emily Hall

Kids with killer kicks!

Since last year, Riley and Keegan Hall have been teaching a karate class for children in the John McGlashan College gym on Sundays. 

Riley and Keegan started their karate classes with four children who came regularly to the Sunday sessions. However, this quickly grew and they now have ten children who attend regularly. 

It is a karate/fitness class taught by Riley a first kyu in Okinawan Goju-ryu karate with an extensive background including a second in the WGKF world championships in 2015 and representing New Zealand in New Caledonia last year. Keegan is also a first kyu in Okinawan Goju-ryu and has competed nationally. Riley started when he was seven years old and Keegan when he was six so they can really relate to their students learning karate as beginners. 

The class occurs at John McGlashan College gym from 10:00 to 11:00am on Sundays. Primary school students are welcome and we currently have children from four years to 11 years of age. We are very grateful to the school for allowing us to use the gym to hold these sessions.