Hero photograph

Catholic Character

Joanie Roberson —

During Karakia on Monday we celebrated St Theresa of Avila as it was her feast day on Sunday 15 October. We acknowledged her as significant because she was the first woman to be acknowledged as a doctor of the church, she was a mystic and her writings have been read by many down the centuries.

Her most significant work being The Interior Castle and her poetry influencing many. She also began the Carmelite order and it is the Christchurch branch of that order of sisters from whom we obtain our school candles. We enjoyed together one of her very special, prayerful poems at the end of our Karakia and I include it here for you too:

Seeking God

Soul,you must seek yourself in Me
And in yourself seek Me

With Such skill,soul,
Love could portray you in Me
That a painter well gifted
Could never show
So finely that image.

For love you were fashioned
Deep within me
Painted so beautiful,so fair;
If,my beloved,I should lose you,
Soul,in yourself see Me.

Well I know that you will discover
Yourself portrayed in my heart
So lifelike drawn
It will be delight to behold
Yourself so well painted.

And should by chance you do not know
Where to fine Me,
Do not go here and there;
But if you wish to find Me,
In yourself seek Me.

Soul,since you are My room,
My house and dwelling,
If at any time,
Though your distracted ways
I find the door tightly closed,
Outside Yourself seek Me not,
To find Me it will be
Enough only to call Me,
Then quickly will I come,
And in yourself seek Me.
 - St Theresa of Avila


We were delighted to host the NET (National Evangelisation Team) for the last two days and to have them lead the retreats for our rangitahi in Years 9 and 10 yesterday and Years 11 and 12 today.

Both of the days were very special days and they were run with the expertise of a team who have been leading retreats in schools throughout the Christchurch diocese all year. We were very grateful for their ministry and staff and students alike enjoyed the days and felt inspired by the faith of this team of five young people aged between 18 and 23.

The photos below reflect the fun but prayerful nature of both days: