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Please support making the 2023 Census a success

Stats NZ —

Dear whānau,

We are supporting Stats NZ to encourage everyone to complete the 2023 Census.

So, this is a reminder that you need to return your census forms if you have not done so already.

Census data is used to make important decisions that affect us all. The census is the official count of people living in Aotearoa New Zealand, and everyone who was in the country on Census Day, 7 March 2023, is required by law to complete a census form.

Your participation will help ensure that our community receives funding for services for the number of people that live in our community. That includes education, health, and social services.

To complete the census, you can do it online at www.census.govt.nz using one of the access codes provided in the letters sent to your household. Or you can fill out paper census forms if you have them. To request a new access code or paper forms, freephone 0800 236 787 (0800 CENSUS) or order online at www.census.govt.nz.

The 2023 Census closes on 30 June, so you should do them online now or as soon as practicable. Ensure your paper forms are posted so they arrive with Stats NZ by 30 June.

Census collectors are no longer visiting households providing help to complete census forms (except in the cyclone-impacted areas of the Far North, Te Tairāwhiti, and Hawke’s Bay). If you need assistance or more information:

· You can attend a census support event and get face-to-face help to complete forms (for more information go to www.census.govt.nz/census-support).

· We encourage you to help whānau, friends, and neighbours complete their forms.

· There is information in New Zealand Sign Language, Braille, Easy Read, Large Print, and Audio formats, as well as in 29 different languages at www.census.govt.nz.

· The 0800 CENSUS (0800 236 787) helpline will be open until 30 June.

Thank you for your support in making sure our community is accurately represented in the census.