Hero photograph
The trailer full of rubbish the students gathered.  Great effort!
Photo by Lisa Steenhauer

Conservation and Science Week River Clean up

Lisa Steenhauer —

This week was both Science Week and Conservation Week.

We had an opportunity for Department of Conservation and Fish and Game to visit school on Tuesday to talk to Year 11 students about their assessment on the Māhweranui Grey River Ecology. 

We had a pizza lunch in the library while Joy Comrie spoke about native fish and their habitat needs, and Dean Kelly explained the management of introduced fish for recreation. Students got some insight into how difficult it is to manage fish when you might not know how many there are or what is affecting them. 

The students are required to write a report on how the fish and other species in the Grey River might be affected by changing the river path and flow rate. After the talks, students and teachers (Dr Steenhauer, Mr Porter and Mrs Llenas-Underwood) went to the Cobden side of the Bridge to start a river clean up. 

Jason Nairn from DOC brought a ute and trailer, and as we walked to the wave trap, we collected 290 kilos of rubbish, including tyres, heaters, general rubbish, fishing line, rope, bits of plastic, tarps, cans, etc. This rubbish would have ended up in the river during a storm, so we are satisfied we made a big difference to the ecosystem. 

Thank you to the Grey District Council for waiving the landfill fee for us, a cost of $128.

The following day the Marine Science and Agricultural club met Jason from DOC and Rob Harrison from the Cobden Aromahana Sanctuary and Recreation Areas group (CASRA), at the Cobden Aromahana Sanctuary. 

They explained the work that is being done to create a habitat for fish and other species, as well as a recreation area, out of the former sports fields and rubbish dump. It was amazing to see the scenic beauty and a home for native species right on our doorstep. This was literally created out of the hard work of the community and is now used by so many for exercise and enjoyment.

John Paul II High School will continue to care for and study this special environment alongside these organisations.