Hero photograph
Photo by Paula Smith

Catholic Character Report

Daniel Cote-Davis —

Term 3 was blessed by visiting Priests, Sisters of Mercy and Marist Brothers who helped us to live our Catholic Character at school.

Term 3 was blessed by visiting Priests, Sisters of Mercy and Marist Brothers who all helped us to live our Catholic Character at school. The Sacrament programme led by the principal Mr Sullivan, has been preparing candidates for Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. During a sacrament programme lesson this term, Brother Osmund from the Marist brothers, was able to assist our DRS Mr Cote Davis with teaching the Creed and the “journey of faith” to candidates. Brother Osmund was delighted to be able to be a part of such a crucial stage of our young people’s pathway of faith.

Seniors were very grateful for the visit of Fr Michael Mahoney to share with them his adventure in priesthood. Fr Michael spoke about how he had climbed Everest with a small group of kiwi mountaineers, and this had been celebrated by Sir Edmund Hilary who flew to Nepal to congratulate the team! Pupils also asked questions about his time spent in Brazil and were inspired to hear how his work there helped many of the poorer communities he served in, especially his creative solution to the water shortage problems.

The term was brought to a close by the Mercy Day celebrations and Mass on the 24th September. Pupils gathered with Fr Matthew Siji to celebrate our Mercy foundations. Pupils were delighted to present a bouquet of flowers to the Mercy sisters who were special guests.