Dan Steggles — Mar 16, 2023

This week our Senior Students had an opportunity on Wednesday Senior Time to learn more about NCEA. This was especially beneficial for our Y11 students who are new to this.

All students have access to the ‘Successful Students’ Team – CLICK HERE

In this team they will find a range of resources available to them: 

This includes a video guide to NCEA – CLICK HERE

A list of all the internals we offer here in school with their deadlines. Students should be able to filter for the subject they have chosen. They can then enter their dates into the Year Planner that Ms Campbell has put together for them. This should enable them to plan ahead so there is less chance of them missing any deadlines!

Finally, students were also issued with a JPII NCEA tracker (essentially a fridge magnet that enables them to cross off the credits as they earn them!)

This should also allow parents to keep a closer eye on their progress.

If you have any questions/queries regarding this please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Students that have been away this week are welcome to collect their Fridge Magnet when they return.