Madeline Campbell — Apr 13, 2022

Junior Social Studies, Senior Geography, and Te Kura classes have made a great start this term.

Having access to Te Kura courses allows senior students to study a wide range of subjects despite the small size of our school, including History, Classics, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Economics, and Accounting.

Our exciting challenge this year in the Social Sciences department is a full review of our curriculum and programmes of learning. The draft of the new Social Sciences Curriculum has also been released this term, and should be finalised later in the year. The launch of the completed Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum allows us greater scope to know our place in the world well. 

Māwhera has an incredibly rich history - geographic, historical, cultural, religious, social, economic, environmental and political, that will form the heart of our revised curriculum. Our local histories link strongly to our national history and stories, which help us grow our understanding of global issues. 

We know our school families and whānau are likely to have stories to share, and we hope to tap into the wealth of community knowledge. Lots more field trips to our important local places will be included to bring the history of our place to life for students.

Madeline Campbell (Acting Learning Area Lead Social Sciences).