Hero photograph

Kia ora koutou katoa

Renée Hutchinson —

It is wonderful to be back at JPII after a round of covid in week one, and a study tour of Western Sydney schools in week two with the Canterbury West Coast Secondary Principals’ Association. I would like to thank my Deputy Principals, Madeline Campbell, and Dan Steggles, and all the staff for all their work in my absence. In a small school, teacher absence is felt more acutely than in a bigger school, and I appreciate all their work in keeping things ticking along so well.

I will provide a report on my trip and learnings to the BOT and publish this in a future newsletter.

Our hearts and prayers go out to the whānau and school community of Whangarei Boys’ High School after the tragic death of a student on an outdoor education trip this week. We work exceptionally hard to ensure our students are safe in and outside of school, and we know the hurt this school and community will be experiencing now. We ask you to keep them in your prayers. If you have any questions about our approach to education outside the classroom and school trips, please get in touch office@johnpaul.ac.nz. Our policies can be found through https://www.schooldocs.co.nz/ Just follow the link and search our school.

Username: johnpaul

Password: jpiihs

We currently have a survey out with senior students around what they would like to see in a sex education programme at JPII. Please note, the development of any programme will be underpinned first and foremost by the Catholic perspective, and we will consult with the parent community this term. The work is being driven by myself, Dr Joanie Roberson (DRS), Linda Beach (Hauora Navigator) and student leaders Samantha Donaldson and Maia Grosser. Further information about the consultation meeting will be given later this term.

Winter illnesses are on the rise, on the back of a covid spike. Please make sure you contact Attendance Officer, Bev Shearer, with absentees by 8am. You can do this through KAMAR, phone message (03) 768 4166, or email bev.shearer@johnpaul.ac.nz.

Blessings to you and your family.

Ngā mihi
Renée Hutchinson