JPIIHS Academic — Jun 10, 2020

Derived Grades / Absences / Deadlines / Extensions / Appeals

Derived Grades: What should I do if I miss an external exam in November? 

This is a process that may enable you to gain credits for external assessments, under certain circumstances. You can apply for a derived grade if you are ill on the day of an external assessment, are taken ill during an external assessment or if there is a death in the family close to or on the day of the external assessment. Derived grades are not given for internal assessments.If you think you may be entitled to a derived grade, you will need to apply to the Principal’s Nominee. You will be required to see a doctor or other medical person on the day, to confirm impairment of performance. NZQA will base the grade decision on the achievement level gained by you, based on standard specific achievement. It is important to make sure that your year’s work is of a high standard, for this reason alone. Most derived grades are based on your performance in the school practice exams in Term 3, so it is absolutely essential that you study for the exams and do your very best.

AbsencesWhat will happen if I miss an assessment?

When you are unable to attend an internal assessment task through accident, illness or bereavement, a note from your parent or caregiver or a medical certificate from a doctor should be provided. This note or certificate must state that you were sufficiently unwell to present yourself on (specify date) for an assessment. When you return to school with an appropriate note, you may be able to sit an assessment which you may have missed. You will need to arrange this with your teacher. Where this is not possible, your teacher may use class work or other evidence to determine whether you have met the standard, provided that work is your own. For absences for family travel and non-school sport, you will need to obtain written permission from the Principal for leave of absence, at least two weeks before you are away. Assessments missed for these reasons will not be repeated unless the school decides it is appropriate.If you are away on a school trip, teachers must be told of your trip ahead of time, so they can consider changing the assessment date. If this is not possible, you may be given a further assessment opportunity.For unexplained absences, you will not be given the opportunity to sit missed assessments, unless the teacher organises a further assessment opportunity for the class.

Meeting Deadlines: What will happen if I don’t meet the deadlines the teachers set?

Some assessments (eg art portfolios, research assignments, science investigations) involve work over an extended period of time. For these assessments, your teacher will set out a schedule of deadlines over the course of the assessment, which you must meet. 

The deadlines are in place to ensure a) that you are carrying out the work and b) to enable the teacher to provide feedback and guidance where it is allowed. It also helps ensure that the work is your own. If you do not meet the deadlines, you will not be granted an Achieved grade. If you know before the due date that you will be unable to meet a deadline, for a valid reason, you should see the Head of Department for an extension.

ExtensionsWhat should I do if I am absent when an assignment is due?

Where your illness has occurred during the preparation of an internally assessed assignment and page 7 is covered by a valid note or medical certificate, an extension may be granted at the discretion of the Head of Department. 

Only one extension should be granted and the length of any extension should not disadvantage other students who submitted their work in on time. If you are ill on the due date of an assignment, it is your responsibility to ring the school and inform the teacher of your absence that day. You should either present the work immediately on your return to school or arrange for someone to leave it at the office on the due date. Late work will not be accepted unless covered by a valid note or medical certificate, or unless the HOD has approved the extension of the time.

Appeals: What if I do not agree with the marks the teacher gave me?

You should keep your own record of all achievement for assessments, especially for any internally assessed items. Most subjects have tracking sheets available for you to use. A general tracking sheet is also available covering all subjects, for each NCEA level. You will have access to the marks held by your teacher for all your assessments. You will have several opportunities throughout the year to check the accumulated assessment data of all internally assessed marks held by your teachers. A printout will be generated to enable you to check the NZQA results entered to date. If you have any queries about this, you should discuss it with your Dean or with the Principal’s Nominee. A cover sheet attached to all assessed work should be signed by you, indicating that you accept the grade given for the work. Where you dispute any grade it is your responsibility to: a. query the grade after the return of the assessment and discuss it with the teacher;b. query the grade with the Head of Department if you are still not satisfied. You must query the grade within 5 days of the return of the assessment. You need to obtain an NCEA appeal form from the Principal’s Nominee. 

Any issues or disputes about assessment will be resolved by the Principal’s Nominee.