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Fortnightly Report


In 2022, we surveyed parents and whanau about what they would like to see in a fortnightly school report.

Since then, we have been working with KAMAR (our student management system) to design a fortnightly reporting template we can use to improve the flow of information about learning between school and home. We have also included the students’ attendance percentages and lates, as well as any school LIGHT values points they have accumulated.

On June 6th we will send home the first fortnightly report. This 1-page document will be emailed to all parents. If you have a new email address, please contact the school office either by phone or email admin@johnpaul.ac.nz to let us know so you can be sure to receive this report.

The report should make it easy for everyone to see how their learner is getting on. The report is in three sections:

  1. Subject information – this is a table broken down by subject. The report includes the teacher’s name, so you can easily get in touch with them if you have further questions. The traffic light system applies: Green is all good, orange a warning, and red indicates concerning attitude or behaviours.

  1. Recognitions – as you may be aware we have a new set of school values heading into this year. These LIGHT Values (Learning, Integrity, Guardianship, Hauora, Truth) are highlighted and awarded by staff as house points. This gives you an indication of the number of points awarded by your child for each of our school values.

  1. Attendance and Punctuality – this provides you with your learner’s current attendance (Year to date) and also the number of times they have been late to class in the last fortnight.

Actions, from a parent perspective

If the report indicates GREEN – please praise and encourage your learner.

If the report is ORANGE – please have a chat with your learner regarding any issues, generally if they are aware then they can make efforts to change the behaviour flagged.

If the report is RED – We are concerned, please speak with your learner regarding the consequences of this, there will likely be a meeting at school involving key staff so we can work together to rectify this.