NCEA External Exams and COVID-19
Under Alert Level 1,2,3 exams will go ahead.
Update Information
The most up to date information from NZQA states that exams will definitely go ahead under COVID-19 Alert Levels 1,2, and 3.
Only in the case that the country is under Alert Level 4 would the exams not be able to go ahead, and instead students will be awarded grades through an evidence gathering process based at school. This process is centred on the derived grades exams from Term 3, but in the event of a student not having completed the Derived Grade Exams, then the school would go into the next phase of gathering evidence from work completed in class. This would not be an ideal scenario but nonetheless is designed to ensure students are not unfairly treated by the system.
Exam Centre
All precautions including physical distancing of desks in the hall, hand sanitiser as frequent wiping down of desks will become a regular process for NCEA exams starting next term.
Students are asked not to attend exams if they are unwell, and especially if they have COVID-19 symptoms. The school would follow the normal process of awarding a derived grade in this situation.
Please see the attachment from NZQA for more details about the precaustions being taken. Please contact Mr. Renau if you have any questions or concerns.