Hero photograph


Peter McIntosh —


  • Between 13 and 15 years old or have started High School?
  • Interested in joining a disciplined and challenging youth organisation?
  • Keen to acquire new skills and develop you leadership?
  • Looking to have fun?

Then the Air Training Corps could be for you! Why not give it a try?

The Air Training Corps is part of the New Zealand Cadet Forces. Uniform is provided free. We offer a four-year training programme which, at Squadron level, including Aviation Studies; Gliding; Foot and Rifle Drill; Firearms Safety and Range Procedure; Small-bore rifle shooting; Bush-craft training (including map and compass, bush survival skills, camping and tramping, river-crossing skills, etc.); Adventure training; General Service Knowledge; First Aid; Leadership; Navigation; Radio Communications; Instructional Technique; trips away to airshows, military bases, etc.

No.36 (Greymouth) Squadron ATC parades weekly at the ATC Cadet Centre at 17 Reid Street, Blaketown, Greymouth, on Tuesday evening between 6:45pm and 9:00pm during school terms. Unit exercises, tramping, camping, gliding, trips away, and inter-Squadron training and competitions are conducted during weekends.

For further information: Contact: Peter McIntosh – Unit Commander

Ph: 7680719 (home phone) or Cell Phone : 027 426 7420