Tena koutou katoa! Ngā mihi o te wā o Hine Raumati.
Hoping you have all had a pleasant summer, a break and some time with your whānau or loved ones.
Here are a couple of updates regarding Whare Manaaki and what the coming term looks like.
We have made changes to our opening hours to cater to staffing and programme needs. We will no longer be open on Mondays to the public, though there are plans for other groups to utilise the space during this time. Updated hours information included in our new term schedule attached.
Registration for Te Ataarangi te reo Māori with Miriama on Wednesdays can be made on the following link:
Registrations for the WOW, wāhine programme can be made here:
All other programmes are booked through our email and phone details.
Keep an eye on our facebook page as we have other one off events coming up, including:
A garden working bee Friday 31st January 3-6pm
Tā moko with Paris Tainui 3 & 4 February
A Taonga Pūoro Noho Marae at Arahura 14-16 February
Whanau Day at Rapahoe with Matawaka Saturday 22 February
A noho Marae at Arahura for whanau Māori 8 & 9 March