Hero photograph
Catholic Character
Photo by Daniel Cote Davis

Living Water

Daniel Cote Davis —

Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." – John 7:38

As our pupils get to work on their exams, it’s important to consider the “Living Water” that Jesus offers. Exams are a time when we all give our best, and this is what “Living Water” is for Christ. He is going to give us His own Life, the very best He has to give. All our pupils will have a prayer with them in the hall. In prayer we come to know Christ, who is the very person who gave us life and blesses us all with varying gifts and talents, to share with for the good of the whole world. Let us be inspired by His “Living Water,” to pour ourselves out in these exams and give honour to the LORD. Whenever we pick up a bottle in the exam room, let us remember Christ, Our Living Water.

Here is a song below about “Living Water,” sung in Hebrew, a close modern version of the language Jesus Himself spoke:

God bless all those who are doing an exam at this time.