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Stay well this winter

West Coast DHB —

It’s already proving to be a tough winter for our communities - as we opened the door to international travel, all those winter bugs seem to have slipped through at the same time. Here are some top tips for staying well this winter:

• Avoid getting sick: ▪ Eat well, stay active, mask-up! Keep up those healthy habits and make sure you have the best protection possible by getting vaccinated against COVID-19, measles and the flu. ▪ Washing your hands well and often, or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser is one of the most effective ways to stop flu-like illnesses and tummy bugs from spreading. • If you do get unwell:

▪ Stay away from work or school.

▪ Test for COVID-19 with a RAT. Follow COVID-19 isolation guidance if you or your whānau test positive.

▪ Seek help early by phoning Healthline on 0800 611 116, 24/7.

▪ In most cases flu or a tummy bug can be safely managed at home. Call ahead before visiting your health provider, rather than visiting in person, and stay away from hospital unless it’s an emergency

Click these links for more information on coping with flu and staying well this winter.

