Senior Student Parent/Teacher Conferences
JPII - September 15, 2022
Senior Conferences will be held the first Wednesday of Term 4 (19th October).
This will be a chance to meet with subject teachers to discuss your child's progress post derived grade exams and pre the ‘real’ thing. It would be great to see as many parents as possible, as with your support we can work together to achieve the best outcomes for your child.
To book an interview time follow the following steps:
- Head to: SchoolBridge using this link
- This will take you to the SchoolBridge login page.
- The school field should contain "John Paul II High School", if not use the drop down arrow to the right of this field.
- Login using your school portal details (if you need reminding of these, please contact the school). This will take you to the SchoolPoint Landing Page.
- Follow the directions and click through to the teachers and their available times.
If you have any problems at all with this, please contact Madeleine Castle at school to help you.