Catholic Character
From before the beginning of the school year, there were opportunities for staff and students to encounter the person of Christ, to grow in their knowledge of Jesus and to give witness to their faith.
On 23 January Pyper Murphy and Sarah Manoj attended the CSYMI (Catholic Secondary Youth Ministry International) training day in Christchurch. This was wonderful experience in which the students developed skills in youth ministry leadership for small groups, praise and worship and giving testimonies. The adoration and reconciliation as well as the mass at the end were real highlights for us all.
The staff retreat on 27 January was another special day and it was important to gather as a staff for prayer, reflection, sharing and input related to our mission and purpose as teachers in a Catholic school.
The liturgy for the new students and the day with the peer support leaders and some of the senior student leaders was another important gathering and a lovely way to welcome our new students 31 January
A group of the staff has also begun studying a theology paper related to Catholic Social Teaching and this is a key way to upskill some of our staff in relation to the special character of the school.
The liturgy to begin the year with the whole school was also lovely and it was great to have a singing practice at which some of our student leaders taught the school the school song.
Today, our Dedication Mass was a beautiful celebration of the theme: Loved, Called, Sent during which we prayed for the grace to understand our mission and purpose and our call to love one another as Christians.