Renee Hutchinson — Feb 17, 2022

Kia ora koutou katoa

As a school, we are all too aware of the anxiety surrounding keeping safes for many staff and students and whānau. As a leadership team, we are well-prepared to respond in a timely manner to ensure that wellbeing and learning remain the priority. 

This afternoon we had the opportunity to meet with house groups to share our Covid-19 response plan for the time when Omicron enters the community. To prepare, we have attended video calls with the Ministry of Education, Canterbury and Top of the South Principals, and have been following the responses from schools already affected by Omicron. We are guided by both the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health, and we have complete confidence in our staff and students to get through this together. 

 I would like to thank all our staff and students who have worn masks to keep each other safe, and have been physically distancing even though this can be hard at times.

In the event of a confirmed Covid-19 case at JPII, you can expect:

To prepare as a school, we remind everyone to continue to follow sensible health guidelines:

At the end of last year’s lockdown, we received over 100 responses to our survey about our online learning programme during the lockdown period. We will carry forward the best of what we learnt from your feedback, while adopting a hybrid learning model moving forward. Hybrid learning means where in-person and remote forms of teaching and learning happen at the same time. This will help ensure any staff or students who do need to isolate because they have become close contacts and are otherwise completely healthy, get to continue with teaching and learning. 

We will be sending out a short survey to students and whānau to help us understand the connectivity and device requirements at home should learning need to take place entirely remotely. This is essential to us being able to respond equitably to our students’ needs.

In this newsletter, you will find information on sport at school and what this looks like in the Covid environment. We are doing our very best to help all students have the opportunity to get involved in sports, and house activities on a Friday is a great way to be involved.

I wish you all a safe and restful weekend.

Ngā mihi nui

Renée Hutchinson
