Hero photograph

Catholic Character

Abina Pope —

As week 3 of Lent approaches, we are taking time to focus on the Presence of God.


Dear Lord, guide us today as we look into your Holy Scriptures.

Thank you for this Lenten season.

Help us to be agents of peace amid suffering.

Let us hear your voice this day and to follow your leading forever more. Amen.

Our action for this third week is the fundraiser mufti day for Tonga. Already some $2,000 has been donated through the Parish.

The mufti day on Friday 18th March, is a joint venture with the PE Learning area, Sports Science, and the catholic character hub. See poster at the end of the newsletter.

Today we celebrated Mass at school. Zoom is amazing. While we were not all in the same space due to Covid-19 restrictions,  we were able to share in the opening Mass for our Kura. Many thanks must go to Ciaran Thow, (director of media) for his seamless organisation of the technology required. Jasmine Paneda, Libby Boddy, Raphaela Roper, Kyra Johnson, all Eucharistic ministers, coordinated Communion. 

Fr Mat ‘s homily had an acronym for Lent.

L leave

E every

N negative

T thought

So as we move through the Lenten season we can be and have Presence for each other.

Ms Pope

Te Kaiwhakahaere o te tūnga whakapono