Merv Ellis - September 22, 2022
Keep learning: Learning new things builds your confidence and skills. Challenge yourself. Look out for opportunities to learn from situations. Try something new. Attend a course or seminar. Read. Talk with friends and classmates about the knowledge and experience they have. Ask someone to teach you a new skill. Take on a new responsibility. Learning can be satisfying and fun.
Keep tuned in: Be aware of what is happening around you. Take a minute to look around. Take stock of how you’re thinking and feeling. Reflect on each day. Appreciate the good moments, even simple ones. Find some ways to change your environment to make it more enjoyable.
You can get in touch with me via email: or there are forms and a drop box outside my office near L2. There is also a copy of my timetable on my office door so you can see what times I have set aside for counselling. We do have options for you to get help you need here on the coast and can explore those with you.
Youthline 0800 637 366 (txt 234) Need to talk? – 1737 (Call or txt)