Tuirirangi Jason Renau — Aug 13, 2020

Staying informed, keeping calm, and listening to scientific advice is key.

I ask that we as a school are prepared as well as we can be, for any further negative changes to the Alert Levels that the government has placed on the country.

All students should make sure they know where classwork can be accessed if we go back to Alert Level 3 or 4 in the future, in other words, does your teacher use google classroom, Education Perfect, etc. All teachers will confirm this with their classes over the following days.

Any students that use a school laptop, may take one home and bring it in each day. If you choose to do this please make sure you borrow a power charger too. All care and effort must be taken to keep the school laptop from being damaged while you have it at home. Please report any problems with laptops to Miss Pringle straight away so we can assist you.

If you feel sick at any time, please choose to not come to school. Your health and that of your classmates is important to us.

NCEA students; please be assured that the school and NZQA will do every we can to make sure your study and exams are protected and that no student will be left behind or forgotten about because of the disruptions this year. If you have any concerns, please talk with your subject teacher or Miss Costelloe.