Otago University — May 11, 2022

Tēnā koutou katoa,

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa. The University of Otago, Māori Health Workforce Development Unit is pleased to inform you that applications for the Otago REACH (Realising Educational Aspirations for Careers in Health) scholarship are now open.

This scholarship is for Year 13 Māori secondary students interested in a career in health and is hosted by the University of Otago. The Scholarship covers; flights, accommodation, food and activities over 3 days.

The main requirement is that students have an aspiration in a career in health. Studying science subjects at level 2 and 3, and their involvement or interest in te Ao Māori will strengthen their application, however we strongly encourage all students with aspirations in health.

The REACH Otago Scholarship provides the opportunity for up to twenty Year 13 Māori students to spend three nights and days on the University of Otago's Dunedin campus. Students from across New Zealand experience university life first-hand: living in, and visiting, residential colleges; attending lectures; meeting current Otago students; and learning about the various degree and study options Otago offers, particularly in health.

The REACH programme will be running from the 1st - 4th of August. However, this will be dependent on the COVID-19 traffic light level. If the programme is cancelled due to COVID, we are currently working on other alternatives that will be offered to applicants who are successful. Therefore, we still encourage applicants to apply.

You can now access the REACH applications using this link https://www.otago.ac.nz/forms/reach/

And further information please refer to the attached document or the link below. Applications close 20th of June, 2022.


Aku whakamānawa,

Pare Graham