Catholic Character
Monday’s karakia was linked to Morning Prayer. As a school we reflected on the importance of gathering together as a community to place our week in the hands of our God.
We also considered how it is possible for us personally to place our day in the hands of our God through morning prayer to begin each day.
We considered both what morning prayer is and the benefits that come from placing our day and ourselves in the presence of God.
These were:
Morning prayer is:
Thanking God for life
Giving God the new day
Placing all that we think, say and do in God’s hands
Asking God to guide us through the day
Knowing that we don’t face anything that the day holds on our own
Being assured that we can overcome every challenge or surprise or struggle that day gives us because God is present in all of it
Having a friend with us in every moment of the day
The benefits of morning prayer are:
It helps us through the day
It means we begin the day in a positive way showing gratitude and with good intentions for how we will live that day
It places us constantly in the presence of our God
By praying each morning we build up our relationship with God
Throughout the day we remember our prayer in the morning and draw on God’s strength and presence
During the day when we are struggling we can simply lean into the tender embrace of our God or if things are good we can remember to be grateful
And together we prayed the following very beautiful morning prayer:
God of my life, I welcome this new day.
It is your gift to me, a new creation, a promise of resurrection.
I thank you for the grace of being alive this morning.
I thank you for the sleep that has refreshed me.
I thank you for this chance to make a new beginning.
This day Lord is full of promise and opportunity; let me waste none of it.
This day is full of mystery and the unknown; help me to face it without fear or anxiety.
This day is blessed with beauty and adventure: make me fully alive to it all.
During this day keep me thoughtful, prayerful and kind.
May I be courteous and helpful to others, and not turned in on myself.
Keep me from any word that would hurt, or belittle, or destroy; and may the thoughts of my mind be pleasing in your sight. When night comes again, may I look back on this day with no grievance or bitterness in my heart; and may nobody be unhappy because of anything I have done or anything I have failed to do.
Lord, bless this day for me and for everyone.
Make it a day in which we grow to have the mind of Christ, your Son.
Lord Jesus Christ, friend and brother, may we know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day.
Year 13 Retreat
The retreat was a great experience for our students and there were many opportunities for encounter with Christ during the retreat.
Students experienced times of prayer, reflection, sharing of memories and looking forward to the future through considering the ways in which we are all called to use our gifts and talents to build up the Kingdom of God.
The fire on the beach with toasted marshmallows and s’mores and watching the sun set over the sea while reflecting on the idea that the sun was setting on their high school days, was a very special experience.
The photos below reflect the special time the Year 13 students had.
Thanksgiving Mass
Preparations are well underway for the Thanksgiving Mass which is on 7 December at 6pm. We are looking forward to a very special occasion and to celebrating with our community at St Patrick’s Church as well as farewelling our Year 13 students.
Prayer for students sitting exams
Below is a prayer for students who are sitting exams. It might be helpful for senior students who are currently working though their NCEA examinations and it might also be helpful for Year 9 and 10 students who will sit exams in just over a week’s time:
Lord, thank you that you are with me right now
Your love surpasses all fear I give you the anxiety I feel I surrender all my worries to you
Clear my mind
Calm my heart
Still my Spirit Relax my being
That I may always glorify you In everything I write, speak and do.
Author unknown
We continue to pray for all of our families.
May God bless you all.