Hero photograph

Catholic Character

Joanie Roberson —

As we begin the term we remember that we have recently celebrated Matariki and we consider the connections between these two events and the new beginnings that we are all enjoying this term.

We began the term with Karakia with the whole school in the hall on Tuesday morning. This was the opening prayer that was led by Rachel Francis, a Year 10 member of the Catholic Hub:

E te Atua,

Creator of all life,

Creator of beauty, newness and growth,

We come to you aware that you have made us and know us, aware that all growth and knowledge comes from you.

We are grateful for all the beauty in our lives, for the stars that shine in the night sky, for the human stars who bring joy and peace to our lives.

We ask you to guide us and show us how to be good stewards both of our natural environment and other people’s hearts and needs.

May we be your hands, willing to serve others.


Youth Group

While we did not have the youth group during the first week of term because of the Parent Interviews on Thursday evening, we are looking forward to a great beginning next week. New members are always welcome and it’s lots of fun as well as including some faith sharing and prayer.

It is open to Catholic and non-Catholic students alike. Come along to share the kai, share your own spirituality or opinions and join in the fun of the games.


We have been asked to include the following advertisements in our newsletter as the Synod is of real importance and interest to all Catholics. During this synod we are looking at synodality itself and it is important that all members of the Catholic community have a sound understanding of what the synod is about.

Bishops urge all Catholics to study Synod’s working document Instrumentum laboris

All Catholics are being urged to read the working document that will guide the Synod meeting in Rome in October and help to set the future direction of the Church. Bishop of Auckland Stephen Lowe, President of the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference, says the Instrumentum laboris (Working Document) published by the Synod Secretariat is another step towards the future, not its final word. “This working document is the product of the process of the Church listening to and hearing what the People of God have said during the parish, diocesan, national and continental stages of the Synod process that Catholics here and around the world have been part of,” says Bishop Steve. “It is a document that reflects the Holy Spirit speaking to people throughout the world. As such it is a document for the whole Church, and I invite everyone to prayerfully read and reflect on it, and to pray for the Synod's work over the next 18 months.”

More information including links to Instrumentum laboris: https://www.catholic.org.nz/news/media-releases/synod-2/

Link to a PDF of Instrumentum laboris: www.catholic.org.nz/assets/ENG_INSTRUMENTUM-LABORIS.pdf

Link to a PDF FAQ and Synthesis with detailed information about Instrumentum laboris: www.catholic.org.nz/assets/FAQ_SYNTHESIS_IL_ENG-v2.pdf

The second advertisement is related to a vacancy that needs to be filled in the Diocese and which is very important work.

Vacancy: Prison Chaplaincy Director

New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference

Can you help us show the love of God inside the prison walls?

Applications are invited for the position of Prison Chaplaincy Director for the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC). The Prison Chaplaincy Director is a national role, providing pastoral and professional leadership and support to the Catholic chaplains who provide chaplaincy services in New Zealand prisons. This is a critical role, leading an important national ministry of the Church.

If you or someone you know has experience as a prison chaplain (or in other pastoral or chaplaincy roles) and team leadership experience combined with theology and pastoral qualifications, please visit www.catholic.org.nz/news/media-releases/prison for more information.

As we continue through ordinary time we are constantly reminded of our need of God’s presence in our lives. It is lovely to see some of our students taking on ministries in the local parish of St Patrick’s. Last Sunday it was great to see Libby and Katie Boddy reading at mass and Raphaela Roper taking up the offertory. Other members of our school community also have ministries at mass and it would be great to see more of our students finding a place for themselves in the life of the church. 

The Sacramental Programme

The sacramental programme begins in week three of this term and we encourage any students who have missed out on any of the sacraments to be part of this programme. If students only need to receive confirmation then they will be welcome. If students have been baptised and not yet received Holy Communion or Confirmation then they will also be welcome. Of course, most joyous of all would be to have students involved who had been thinking or talking about joining the Catholic Church with their families and who would like to be involved in the programme.

All lessons will take place within school time and Father Matthew will come onsite to support the DRS in delivering some of these lessons. There will be one parent meeting to go over the practicalities and to answer any questions that families may have. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of this: joanie.roberson@johnpaul.ac.nz

Students will receive the sacraments later this year if they choose to do so. Students are also welcome to join the programme to consider if they would like to receive the sacraments.

We continue to pray for all of our students and their families as we continue to navigate this busy year. May God bless you all.