Renee Hutchinson — Apr 14, 2022

As we celebrate the end of a busy and successful term at JPII, we also remember the death and resurrection of Christ this Easter.

We celebrated a beautiful liturgy this morning reflecting on Christ’s final days. I would like to acknowledge the fine work of Mrs Pope, Jasmine Paneda, and the Catholic Character team for the liturgy this morning. The choir’s singing of Hallelujah was moving and deeply felt. It is wonderful to have these opportunities to gather as a school again, keeping the meaning of Christ alive in our school.

This afternoon we have our annual cross country. This year we have opened more categories to encourage participation: elite competitive runners, fun runners, fun walkers. It’s great to see so many at school to participate wearing their house colours. Check out the school’s Instagram account (@jpii.hs) to see photos from the event and hear the latest school news.

Daniel Cresswell has led the charge this term with the Take the Shot photo competition. Stuart Nimmo has judged the entries, with Raphaela Roper taking out the top spot with her still life photo, winning a $100 Nimmo’s voucher. Thanks to everyone who entered the competition and shared their creativity, and congratulations to all those who won the categories of people, places, things. We will look to continue something in this vein next term.

I would also like to acknowledge Leah Smith and Madeleine Campbell for their excellent work every week in putting our newsletter together. They are supremely patient with last minute entries! We know that the weekly newsletter is important to many of you so you know what’s happening at school. If you have any feedback, we’d love to hear it. Email

From the Senior Leadership Team, we wish you all a safe and happy holiday, and thank you all for your support this term. 

See you back on Monday 2 May!

Renée Hutchinson
