David Sullivan — Dec 10, 2020

I announced the 2021 student leaders at the Awards Ceremony last night.

Job Descriptions

Head Boy and Head Girl

Lead the school assemblies, introduce and thank guest speakers, chair student council, chair the Student Leadership Team, meet with the Principal weekly, motivate students at school events, promote and support the school in the community, being a positive role model, especially the Catholic Character of the school.

BOT Student Representative

Be the student voice on the Board of Trustees, to report back to the school on matters that influence or involve the student body.

Deputy Head Student—Catholic Character

Lead the Catholic Character Team, coordinator Catholic moments; mass, special prayers, Social Justice events.

Deputy Head Student—Sports

Lead the Sports Team, organize interval games/sport, promote sporting events, organize school house sports events, gather and report back any results to assembly.

Deputy Head Student—Pūmanawa

Lead the kapa haka group, teach and lead the school haka, Māori language week, organize pōwhiri when needed, attend and lead wānanga.

Deputy Head Student—House Coordinator

Lead the House Team, promote and organize house competition events, motivate the school to participate, gather and record results and points.

Deputy Head Student—Environmental

Lead the Environmental Team, organize and monitor rubbish collection, recycling, and the beautification of the grounds and gardens.