Hero photograph
Photo by Riley Fairhall

Water, Water everywhere...


The return to school sees a return to our weekly Photo Competition

The theme this week was "Water", and as you can imagine there was quite a bit of variation.

Again, the entries were beautiful and it is great to see our students looking at the world around them with an artists eye.  We are lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world and lucky to go to school with such talented young people.

The winning entry was from Riley Fairhall (Columba) and his great shot of a splash! its a neat photo, well done Riley.

Staff winner was Mr Ellis with his misty shot of cascading water.  Very atmospheric.

There are a couple of special mentions - firstly Zak Klempel, your entry was great and your 'out of the box' interpretation of the theme was magnificent.  Well done, and we look forward to seeing more photographs from you.

Secondly, to our Principal Ms Hutchinson - you have been awarded the "Nice Try" award.  Tearing stunning images out of an old book of professional photographs and entering them under your name....  For Shame!!!

We really enjoy receiving your photos each week, and the same remark is often repeated.  "What talented young people we have here."

Next weeks theme is food.  

Remember to email your photos to Leah by the end of Break 2 on Thursday.