Hero photograph

Students leaving during the school day


A reminder that the attendance officer or the school office must be contacted by a parent to notify an absence during a school day.

Students are unable to leave the school grounds during the day without the school receiving contact from parents, this is part of the duty of care that the school must provide.

Students should be collected by their parent from the office area (please let the school know if they are taking themselves to appointments). Students must sign out, and sign back in on their return to school.

Examples of justified reasons for leaving school during the school day (this will not affect student's attendance):

  • Doctor, dentist, specialist, or other medical/health related appointment.
  • Family events or emergencies
  • Short courses for learning
  • Umpiring to support local school events

Examples of unjustified reasons for leaving school during the school day with parent permission (this will impact student's attendance):

  • Hair and beauty appointments
  • Going to a local shop, cafe or restaurant
  • Spectating at a sport or cultural event (non-participant)

Students who leave school without permission from a parent or guardian are truant, and may be referred to the truancy officer.

Thank-you for your support. The biggest indicator of success at school is consistent attendance.