Hauora Pānui / Health News

We were lucky to have representatives from West Coast Primary Health attend our parent conference evening last night. They have a focus on and a passion for the health of young people, tamariki and rangatahi, and are available to support whānau and families.

They will be available to speak with at future parent conference evenings too.Amy Bruhn is the Smokefree Service Coordinator. She advises and educates young people and families about Vaping. You will have read in a previous newsletter that 'smoking' isn't an issue for us, but vaping is. Anne Hines is the Health Promotion Coordinator and has a strong focus on general wellbeing for young people and health of the community more widely, and is keen to support healthy outcomes for everyone.Jackie Gurden is from the Oranga Hā Stop Smoking Programme at Community Public Health West Coast.Our school will work with the PHO team this year to develop more explicit policies and support for Vaping education. We are excited for this partnership, and other forms of support, education and help we can provide for JPII students.If you'd like to speak with any of the PHO team to get some advice or help for your young person, you can email them directly, or you can email me and I'll help you make the connections you need. Remember too that Alaine Davies, our wonderful counsellor with vast experience working with young people, is available to parents and whānau as well as students, and is flexible about when she can meet.You can self-refer through this website for vaping help: www.stopsmokingwestcoast.org.nz
Amy Bruhn: amy.bruhn@westcoastpho.org.nzAnne Hines: anne.hines@westcoastpho.org.nzJackie Gurden: StopSmokingGreymouth@cdhb.health.nzJPII Counsellor: alain.davies@johnpaul.ac.nzJPII Hauora Navigator: madeline.campbell@johnpaul.ac.nz