Flynn Swinburn, Amelia O'Reilly, Szonja Wiedermann, Kyra Johnson, Samantha De Villena, Sarah Manoj

Athletics Day

On Friday March 1st John Paul II held their athletics day.

The day was a great success with many students getting involved in many events. The well organised day meant that the students were kept active all day. It was great to see so many students in their house colours and fully participating throughout the day. 

The student council put on a great BBQ and the year 10s sold chocolates to raise money for their camp later in the year.

Jess and I held fun activities near the end of the day. The activities were the three-legged race, sack race, gumboot toss, wheelbarrow race, and the piggyback race! These activities encouraged more participation throughout the day which was excellent. It was great to see all of the students come together and engage in the events.

Congratulations to Mawhera who came out on top for the day's house points. They earned 273 points.