Big congratulations to Hayden Little and Keisha Rennie for completing their minute presentation in Japanese. Year 10 Keisha received an Achieved while Year 11 Hayden received an Excellence. Well done to the both of you for your hard work.

This week the Year 9 Japanese students were treated to some more norimaki zushi or “rolled Sushi”.

Mrs. McMillan has some tips on how to make your home-made rolled sushi easier. 

If you have the lid to a Chinese takeaway or a cleaned meat tray, cut your vinegared sushi rice into the tray. Place your seaweed (nori) on the rolling mat and flip the tray onto the rice. You are ready to add your ingredients.

We used about 50 grams of marinated boneless chicken thigh to reduce wastage, but I have used marinated drums in the past and they work just as well. Slice your cucumber and red pepper thinly, being careful to remove any seeds. If you do use carrot, the Japanese par boil it, so it is not too crunchy.

Use a wet knife to slice off the end of the rolled sushi and then cut in half, cut in half again and repeat for a third time to have eight even pieces of sushi, rewetting the knife each time. If the last piece isn’t so pretty, place it face down in the container and no one will know. Good luck and happy rolling.