by Madeleine Castle

Hutch's Hoodie Collection

On Wednesday 1 June, Winter officially arrived. We have all noticed the cooler temperatures and I thank all the students who are wearing their school jackets and uniform well. You all look very smart!

There has been an unwelcome proliferation of hoodie’s turning up to school daily – both branded hoodies and those with the school logo. 

All hoodies, including those with the school logo are not part of the school uniform and must not be worn before, during or on the way home from school. They will be confiscated and added to my growing hoodie collection…. See Pat and Ollie for details! 

School sports hoodies are for use at sports only and are not part of the school uniform. 

We have ordered new stock of school jackets – warmer, heavier, and waterproof. These will also be at a more affordable price point. We hope to take delivery in the next few weeks. We will keep you updated. 

While you’re checking your child’s uniform, please look at their shoes – Vans, canvas shoes and steel capped work boots are not uniform

For clarity on the school’s expectations, please see the uniform guide on the website: 

We appreciate your support. 
