Literacy & Numeracy NCEA Changes

Dear Parents and Whānau,

As you may be aware, the changes to NCEA now require learners to pass tests for literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy, which is a co-requisite for achieving NCEA Level 1. This replaces the current system of students achieving literacy and numeracy across the curriculum in different achievement standards. You can find out more here.

We are giving all Year 11 students the opportunity to sit the new literacy and numeracy tests in the week starting 12th June. These will be completed online during lesson time throughout the week. Students cannot study for these tests as they cover what is expected they would have learned by the end of Year 10. There will be further assessment opportunities if needed, and there is no limit to the number of times a learner can take the test.

For learners with Special Assessment Conditions (SAC), support will be given and if any student requires more time this can be given on an individual basis.

It is important that all Year 11 students bring their laptop fully charged, know their NZQA login, and are familiar with how to access the Assessment Master website where they will sit the tests. All learners should all practice logging in early next week so they know they can access the site on the day:

Any issues are to be flagged with Mr Steggles by Wednesday 7 June.

All information about the NCEA change package can be found through the website