Catholic Character

This week our Lenten journey began with our Ash Wednesday liturgy.

It was a delight to see how strong and confident our Mission Team is becoming and the excellent leadership already being shown by our Mission Leader, Sarah Manoj. The liturgy was entirely led by students and it was a lovely, prayerful liturgy during which a purple ribbon was tied to the wrist of each student and staff member as a reminder of our Lenten preparations. This took the place of the traditional ash cross on the forehead. We were pleased to see the respectful manner in which the student body treated this liturgy and participated in the ritual aspect of it.

The Mission Team will lead a range of opportunities for extra prayer and ways in which to give of our resources to others during the 40 days of Lent as we journey towards Easter. We encourage all students and staff to participate in these activities as appropriate to them.

Shrove Tuesday

The day before Ash Wednesday is traditionally known as Shrove Tuesday, the day on which Catholics would use up all of the eggs and milk and other foods that they would not be eating during their Lenten fast and which would not keep until after Lent. Pancakes became the traditional food used for this purpose and so Shrove Tuesday is sometimes called Pancake Tuesday.

We are grateful to the Year 11 RST class, members of the Mission Team and Ms Hutchinson who worked hard to create a mountain of pancakes which were enjoyed with jam and cream by students and staff at morning tea time on 13 February. The pancake relay race during Whānau time was also a great community building, fun activity enjoyed by the whole school.

We continue to pray for all of our students, their families and all members of our school community. May Lent be a special time for all of you.