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John Paul II High School

School Newsletter - Term 4, Week 4


John Paul II High School

by John Paul II High School

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From the Principal

by Angela Sloane

Kia ora

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Important Dates:


Please note the following events and important dates:

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School Bus Arrangements for 2022

by Ema Motu

Next year our school bus operator is changing. Our new school bus operator will be Harkerss.

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Catholic Character

by Abina Pope

Congratulations to Neve Davidson (Yr 13) who has won the Diocesan Justice and Peace Cup for her Social Justice essay.

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Senior Subject Choices


2022 Senior Students are now able to choose their subjects online.

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2021 Orientation Day Moves Online

by Renee Hutchinson

Due to Covid restrictions our Orientation Day to welcome new Yr 9's for 2022, has been moved online.

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Friday Fun Sports Afternoon!

by Terena Molloy

Modified Town v Country Game Held on School Field

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Congratulations to Kyra Johnson, Yr 10... Published Book Reviewer! Check out her latest review:

by Kyra Johnson

Violet Black, First book in the Black Spiral Trilogy, written by Eileen Merriman. A near-future thriller with clever details - Review by Kyra Johnson

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Historic New Zealand Play 'The Land of the Moa' Comes to Life.

by Susan Smith

Two weeks ago our senior drama students took to the stage to bring an historic New Zealand play back to life.

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Work Experience at School


Caleb Reese (Yr 11) is getting to grips with the school computers - literally!

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Art Work of the Week

by Frith Johns

Artwork of the week is by Caleb Reese, Year 11 Art.

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Reminder to: Slip, Slop, Slap!

by Renee Hutchinson

Suns Out, Guns Out! With the change of weather and these glorious West Coast blue sky days, students are encouraged to slip, slop, slap! Let’s all enjoy the fine weather safely.

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Tradie Day

JPII Yr 13 Students Make the Most of Gold Award Mufti Days.

by Paula Smith

This week the Yr 13's banded together their 'Gold Merit' Certificates, and arranged for their year group to wear mufti each day.

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Year 13, 2021 

Year 13 Leavers Dinner 2021

by Renee Hutchinson

Attn: families and whanau of Year 13 student leavers

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Seniors Driving to School


A friendly reminder from the local Police.

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by Grey Star

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Donations of School Uniforms Welcome

by Paula Smith

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WestReap Learner Driver Licence Courses

by WestReap

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