Catholic Character

A lot has been happening with the Special Character this week as we move further into ordinary (ordinal or counted) time in the Catholic Church.

Last Sunday we had the Call of the Disciples as the gospel reading. It is a reminder to us that Jesus called ordinary people to be his disciples: fisherman and tax collectors rather than wealthy or influential people. He calls all people to him and each one of us has a particular role to play in building the Kingdom of God wherever we are in our time and place. Each one of us with our particular set of gifts and qualities is needed, called and sent out to others by God.

Catholic Secondary Schools Mass

Seven students and two staff members attended the Combined Catholic Secondary Schools mass in Christchurch on 20 June 2023. It was a lovely mass and a great celebration of what it means to be part of Catholic Education in the Christchurch Diocese. It was also a broader experience of Church life for those students who attended. We will continue to ensure that we attend such events as often as possible. It was made very special by the fact that Bishop Michael Gielen was so impressed that we had made such an effort to be at the mass that he took everyone out to McDonald’s for dinner before we made the return journey.

Youth Group

The Youth Group Continues to grow in numbers with new members attending each week. We welcome everyone to the youth group family whether or not they have been before and no matter which year level they are at school. All Year 9-13 students are welcome. If it is possible for them to attend please encourage your son or daughter to attend.

Sacramental Programme

We are beginning a sacramental programme within the school soon. The DRS will run the programme and Fr Matthew will attend for the last few sessions.

If there are any non-preference students who would like to be received into the Church, they are most welcome to join the programme.

However, sometimes students miss out on some of the sacraments if they shift or travel or for a range of other reasons. If there are students who are baptised but who have not received their first Holy Communion or who have missed Confirmation, there will be a registration form at the office from next week. Parents are invited to collect one or students can bring them home. It is a great time to discuss with the young people in your care if this is a journey they would like to be on. It doesn’t matter if they already know a lot or if they have very little knowledge at all. All will be welcome with the consent of their families.

We continue to pray for all of our students and their families and all members of our community.

May God bless you all.